Conference Talk: How a large corporation used DDD to replace a loyalty system

In this talk Kacper will take you on a journey during which he will reflect on his experience with replacing a complex loyalty system and challenges the project faced. He will share with the audience his thoughts on what worked, what could have been done differently and what caused problems. You will learn how to make best use of Domain Experts and explain why consistency is a business problem. Try to answer if it’s possible to stay sane in the Microservice world and discuss challenges arising when trying to migrate from CRUD persistence to Event Sourcing.

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Event Sourcing patterns: Replay side effect handling

During the event stream processing sometimes it is desired to perform side effects. The challenge we address in this post is how to perform a replay of an event stream and don't retrigger already performed side effects. It turns out there are a couple of alternatives that can help us solve this problem and the specific solution will depend on needs and the type of event store in use.

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Team Topologies - Training Report

On 26th of September 2019 I had an opportunity to attend Team Topologies Fundamentals training in Leeds - the session was delivered by Matthew Skelton. Together with Manuel Pais he wrote a book called Team Topologies that discusses how to "build the best team organization for your specific goals, culture, and needs".

The training was organised into 4 sections:

  • Teams and Conway’s Law

  • Fundamental Toplogies

  • Team Interaction Patterns

  • Evolving Team Topologies

Both the book and content of the training are based on 5 years of research across 30+ organisation in multiple industries and various countries / cultures. The authors focused on distilling underlying principles, patterns and topologies. This allowed them to focus on the essence of team design, rather than on more specific challenges related to a particular industry.

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Microservices patterns: Protocol ownership

When designing the architecture of a distributed / microservice system, one of the patterns used often is to make components communicate over an asynchronous message queue / bus / streaming platform. This approach has a lot of benefits, such as reduced coupling, improved resiliency and fault tolerance. It also creates some challenges, and one of them is finding an answer to a question: "Who defines and owns the protocol that services use to exchange messages?".

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